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Hidden Halos

The Bible says “be not forgetful to entertain strangers. For thereby some have entertained angels unawares”. I want you to realize that what the scripture is saying to each of us, is that we never know who it is that God has assigned to us and who we bump into every day. And if we're ever going to be like, Jesus, yes, we've got to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow him.

And as we follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ, you find that Jesus is always doing something that leaves people better than when they met him, that whether they are recovering sight, whether they are being healed, whether they are hungry and they're being fed, it's always something that Christ is doing. And our challenge is are we following the footsteps of our Savior?

As we follow in the footsteps of our Christ, are we in fact, recognizing that we sometimes entertain angels unaware? Maybe the person who's holding that “will work for food sign. Maybe that person who's knocking in the rain and you don't feel like being bothered. Have you ever thought about the fact that there are people who sometimes we bump into who may have hidden halos? Because of that I just want to encourage you to walk with us as we talk about what Jesus does, and how those people who were blessed to receive from Jesus felt kindness as they were the recipient of Jesus's actions.

But Jesus is not just motivated by being kind. He's motivated by love. And for each of us, what love looks like is how we act kindly toward each other. So I want to challenge us to be the kind of people who follow what Jesus does and walks, where Jesus walks and who treats people like Jesus did.

Remembering that we often run into people who have in fact hidden halos, that we entertain angels on a regular basis, perhaps. And the question is, do we do what Christ would be pleased with? So I want to challenge you and encourage you to look to see whether or not we are doing what we should, because we recognize that there are hidden halos all around us.

Pastor Theron J. Jackson

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